I gotta say, this is my fav. So much energy, super cool transition, variation and great use of bass. Lovely!
I gotta say, this is my fav. So much energy, super cool transition, variation and great use of bass. Lovely!
I expected DnB, oof! *crying face*
maybe i'll do dnb in VIP, who knows *eyes*
Lovely sounding! Glad to see you're alive, Mattashi!
Your dance songs are always beyond amazing. I feel like I'm in a huge dance club! Wonderful work as always, F-777!
Thanks a lot for this super uplifting dance music! Really made my day a bit better today.
Thank you Jessie!!! Im going to be listening thro more of your tracks real soon!
I'll just get straight to the point this time : The mid-highs are too sharp with too many noise. You need to EQ it. It's making my ear tired. And for the whole straight 3 minutes there was not much interesting thing going on... I would be happy if at least, you put on sound effects in the background there. Also, the piano sounds too resonant and dissonant overall. The effect was pretty nice but not quite. It makes the whole sound more lighter and basically... In result, makes the sound too sharp, like I said earlier. And also, do you hear that volume change, especially in 2:56 -- that means it's overcompressed. Lower your compression.
I wouldn't want to downgrade your music, it's nice, but it could be even better to listen more comfortably.
Always happy to see a fellow cinematic composer. The mids are messing up the mix a bit (the strings sounds a bit tinny), but the emotion is very captivating. I'm interested what piano library did you used. The climax was pretty nice, too. Wish there was more percussion at the end...
This is based on my own NGADM scoreboard alongside with first impression when I first clicked on your track, which is very important for your new listeners who will listen to your future tracks. For the review, I listened to your track twice to pinpoint a bit more, the scores(points) are from listening only once. Take this review as a grain of salt, please don't take this personally. I don't want to tore anyone down, I want them to become stronger. The judges have different views on your same track, so just take it as another point of view.
Overall your track seems to drag through the different realms of music world. I had no idea how you'll carry me section after section, which was pretty captivating and interesting to listen to. I really like your usage of tubular bells, that was kinda creepy actually (in a good way). Can you hear the chopped off strings in 0:29? That means your release and attack is too short, which makes it sound really robotic. That sound effect in 0:51 was pretty ear-piercing, it would be better if you soften a little. As well as 1:10. Those drum sounds were really cool. 1:38 section made it sound too experimental, and I don't know what you wanted to say through that section, seemed a bit meaningless in my opinion. 1:59 could have been bigger, the percussion sounds stale. If you don't wanted it to be a climax, at least add a brass.
You relatively got a pretty high score among the participants in uniqueness, although those orchestral section backed a bit. But overall, I think you created a pretty solid experimental (you said industrial, but I thought this was experimental a bit more) track here. The composition was nice too, using varied instruments from strings to sound effects. Theme itself was nice, although it really didn't clarified much specifically.
Composition 8.5/10
Production 7/10
Theme (How engaging is the melody?) 7/10
Emotion 7.5/10
Uniqueness 7.5/10
Total 75/100
This is based on my own NGADM scoreboard alongside with first impression when I first clicked on your track, which is very important for your new listeners who will listen to your future tracks. For the review, I listened to your track twice to pinpoint a bit more, the scores(points) are from listening only once. Take this review as a grain of salt, please don't take this personally. I don't want to tore anyone down, I want them to become stronger. The judges have different views on your same track, so just take it as another point of view.
The intro was nice, felt I was dragging myself into your track. I really liked your bell-like synths there, that really spiced up your track. Using those epic hits was a nice choice, too, gives you kinda anthem-vibe. Although, it sounded a bit robotic there, so that was quite a shame. The worst thing that I could point out instrumentally was the guitar, it sounds too sharp and ear-piercing, which was uncomfortable for me. I was hoping for quite a smoother instrument than that (at least, less sharpen your guitar sound), And I had to lower a volume a LOT when the guitar came in. The waveform looks fine, but I think the dynamic is too vast. I liked that duck effect section, the sidechain was deeply cut, but it got really confusing when 1:47, the drums got a bit faster than your sidechain which feels off-beat. I liked the part after that.
The chord progressions were pretty solid, and I could hear the melody, but it wasn't really memorable in my opinion, and it sounded a bit generic track (especially the duck part) but you used your instruments well. Emotionally, those bells soothed me quite nicely, so that was good.
Composition 7/10
Production 6/10
Theme (How engaging is the melody?) 7/10
Emotion 7.5/10
Uniqueness 6.5/10
Total 68/100
Tbh thats the score that it really deserves lol thanks for honest feedback ;)
This is based on my own NGADM scoreboard alongside with first impression when I first clicked on your track, which is very important for your new listeners who will listen to your future tracks. For the review, I listened to your track twice to pinpoint a bit more, the scores(points) are from listening only once. Take this review as a grain of salt, please don't take this personally. I don't want to tore anyone down, I want them to become stronger. The judges have different views on your same track, so just take it as another point of view.
The most thing I really liked was the melody, I felt I was going back into the older video games console, imagining myself playing some classic arcade games. Although you developed a great theme here, the execution could have been a bit better. Going straight forward with the old 8-bit was quite good (I really liked that key change, btw), but not that interesting and engaging enough to stick around and listen to it again. I felt it could had a lot more instruments there, adding some more interesting synths or sound effects like, for instance, bleeping sounds where you can hear in games. The mixing was overall fine, but could be better, the drums are not very punchy in my opinion, And the mids are slightly heavy, making the mix a bit messy. And the synth itself is bit too warm for a 8-bit music too, but that really depends on what libraries are you using. For emotion wise, I think it could have more dynamics that could somehow lure the listeners into the story, or your theme you're trying to take with.
Oh, and btw, I wouldn't use that fade effect at the end. I would like to see someone end their musical sentence with a bit more clarity.
Composition 7/10
Production 6/10
Theme (How engaging is the melody?) 8/10
Emotion 7/10
Uniqueness 6/10
Total 68/100
I love the power of melodies. Adventure!
Film student composing music, playing games, voice acting, drawing stuff.
For business enquiries, please contact : jyun.composer@gmail.com
Age 24, Female
Local AA game studio
University of Utah
Seoul, South Korea
Joined on 6/28/15